
About Me

Neelu Kalra

The Astro - legend of fortune

Ms. Neelu Kalra is a renowned astrologer who has a depth of experience in helping clients across globe.

Her interest in Ayurveda peaked during her adolescence she ventured out to look for organic and homemade solutions to different skin issues. She spent hours in libraries and went through hundreds of books to eventually formulate lapes (face packs) that helped with acne and other such problems. Her interest in the science of Ayurveda compelled her to dig deep and that is when she found that Ayurveda and Astrology were not that different from each other and in fact, they were inseparable.

She feels that the essence of both, Ayurveda and Astrology is to promote blissful and healthy living. They also aim to provide holistic healing of the mind and body.

Her interest in Vedic astrology grew exponentially and she mastered the arts of Numerology and Tarot Card Reading to complement her already existing knowledge base of the predictive sciences.

She has seen exponential growth in her clientage and their trust in her over the last 20+ years.

Ayurvedic Astrology, which is her passion and career, has been a game-changer for many. She believes that by combining the two great disciplines of Ayurveda and Astrology, there’s nothing that we cannot find answers to.

Because finding answers…. Isn’t that what we all aspire for.

Our approach

An astrology chart is a roadmap of your capabilities and possibilities. Once you are in my datebook, I prepare a chart based on your date, time, and place of birth. The chart reveals your strengths and your shortcomings.

If you are aware of what’s happening or going to happen, then you can make the necessary changes. My purpose is to facilitate what you want to happen in your career, relationships, and personal life. The frequency of my session depends on what you’re going through and how motivated you are to make the necessary changes. Some clients see me once a year for an update, others prefer weekly guidance and support. It’s really up to you. I work in person, on the phone, or on a video call. After our first session, you will have a clear picture of what your issues are and what skills and changes you need to live a happier and more rewarding life.